Rock Lead Guitar For Beginners Level 1 - Feedback

This feedback form is additional information for us to get to know you as well as possible as a guitarist and musician or aspiring guitarist right from the start. Please excuse us if we should have already asked you one or the other question in previous e-mails. These are essential questions for us to get to know you really well and to help you better with YOUR challenges.

This allows us to immediately respond better to your future questions and keep track of all the details of your progress. Like a real guitar lesson. So – even if we should have asked twice – we just want to play it safe to have your current status and to coach and train you in the best possible way!





    How long have you been playing electric guitar?

    How did you find out about Great Guitarists?

    What could we have done to make it easier for you to notice us?

    Have you had guitar lessons before with a teacher or online course?

    If so, what did you not like about the class/lessons/course?

    What are your top 5 medium and long-term musical goals as a guitarist?

    What could we have done to make your purchasing decision for the Rock Lead Guitar For Beginners Level 1 easier?

    What are the main arguments that made you choose Rock Lead Guitar For Beginners Level 1?

    What are your favorite bands or guitarists?

    How would you describe Great Guitarists to a friend/stranger?

    Have you ever played in a band?

    If no, would you like to play in a band?

    Is there anything else you would like to tell us?